Celebrating Mothers at Little Earth Kapiti

Last week, the children have been very excited and busy preparing for our Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea. Hosting a special afternoon tea takes a lot of planning and such an event is very meaningful to the children. It is a great opportunity for the children to do something nice for others.

On Monday, the children made invitations to go home and Thursday saw them baking cupcakes. And then on Friday it was time to get busy and decorate the cupcakes. This was an action-packed time and the children were thrilled to be able to decorate their own special cupcake. When it was time to set the table, there were some eager children on hand to help and wow those tables looked fabulous!

Baking is one way to use the skills developed in the practical life activities in a meaningful, every day way and what better time to bake cupcakes for Mothers Day… with love!

The children experienced the joy of making and sharing and working as a group. They are applying the skills they have developed through lots of repetition of the activities of practical life. They are learning specific language associated with baking and mathematical concept of quantity. In the group, the children exercise self-control as they wait for a turn and share.

We have also been listening to a new story by Call Johnson-Isaacs called "With My Mummy."